

帕特里克·哈恩, Steven Colclough, 历史的重新解释

Architect 帕特里克·哈恩 releases second published work.

在他的新书中, 历史的重新解释,著名建筑师 帕特里克·哈恩 captivates readers with a tale of transformation on the south shore of 麻萨诸塞州. Reimagining the 1871 Myles Standish Hotel’s north wing as a magnificent seaside estate in Duxbury, 麻萨诸塞州, 埃亨为酒店谱写了新的篇章, 深思熟虑的组成,拥抱当代生活, 同时捕捉其丰富历史的精髓. The project was a collaborative effort between Ahearn and builder Steven Colclough of Colclough建设, who teamed up to execute a vibrant, history-driven coastal estate. 

帕特里克·哈恩, Steven Colclough, 历史的重新解释在迈尔斯·斯坦迪什酒店初次见面时, 人们几乎无法理解它昔日的辉煌, 哈恩解释说. 主要入口面向房屋的背面, a remnant of its 1800s origins when visitors arrived by boat. 更复杂的情况, a devastating fire in 1908 resulted in the demolition of the central portion of the resort, 使精确的复原成为不可能. Thus emerged an opportunity to forge a new path for the estate, and the present-day homeowners called on Ahearn to reimagining the property as a functional long-term home inspired by what once was.

来帮助实现他的终极愿景, Ahearn did not hesitate to recommend Colclough建设 for the job, citing their exemplary craftsmanship and sensitivity to historical precedent. 支持拟议的装修, Colclough's team was tasked with lifting the original structure to create space for a contemporary concrete foundation, 然后小心地把它放回原位. 为此目的, each individual wall and the entire roof system underwent a complete overhaul, 没有一个方面不受影响, in order to guarantee the property's structural integrity for years to come. “Our goal was to ensure that the execution was done exactly to its intent,科尔克拉夫说, who also led the charge in replicating the original chimneys, 修复阁楼上原来的桶形天窗.

每当帕特里克的一个项目完成时, 好像我们从没去过那里, as if it was always meant to be exactly how he envisioned it.——Steven Colclough

Ahearn's proposal for the front facade aimed to reinstate its former grandeur. A processional peastone driveway with a cobblestone border leads visitors toward the main entrance, reminiscent of grand country manor estates from the late 1800s. 增加了一个有顶棚的前廊, with a central front door flanked by sidelights and a transom window, 在设计中重建对称性. 雪松屋顶瓦, 白色墙板, 埃塞克斯绿色百叶窗与传统的阻力, 铜制的车灯强调了构图, 复兴的外观展示了永恒的建筑. 历史元素的融合, 比如巨大的石墙, 进一步增强了到达顺序, giving the impression of an inn that had withstood the test of time.

帕特里克·哈恩, Steven Colclough, 历史的重新解释“彩票365官方网站地, my goal was to capture the history of the place and create a plausible architectural execution that could have been conceived almost 150 years prior.——帕特里克·埃亨

In the rear of the property, a sprawling outdoor living space thrives. 有盖的门廊, 还有一个带纱窗的门廊, 户外烧烤和用餐区, 池, 和壁炉, invites residents and guests to savor the natural magnificence of the site. Strategic placement of windows and French doors affords seamless indoor-outdoor integration, 从不同的有利位置创造迷人的景色. 马车房, now transformed into a versatile space that also serves as a cabana, exudes a relaxed atmosphere with shiplap walls and beamed ceilings.

帕特里克·哈恩, Steven Colclough, 历史的重新解释The interior layout underwent a complete transformation, where an abundance of separate rooms from the hotel's previous function was eliminated, and a central spine was introduced to facilitate flow while maximizing water views. Ahearn reimagined the foyer to befit a seaside estate with the addition of a bright vestibule, 还有建筑风格细致的墙壁和天花板. 进入这个空间, one's gaze is immediately drawn through the dining room and out to breathtaking bay views beyond the French doors. Dive even deeper into the home’s revival in the detailed pages of 历史的重新解释, a story that speaks to what is possible in reimagining historic properties. Ahearn’s brilliant synthesis of old and new is both an inspiring achievement and a story not to be missed.


